Wayland Games

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Blood Angels: Mephiston


My Blood Angels army has always needed a good Librarian so it had to be Mephiston who would fill this gap. For some reason though, I've always been nervous about getting him and painting him, he's one model that I always wanted to paint really well. As well as it is painted on the GW website.

Sadly, this was not to be. It looks good in my hands but up close I made a lot of mistakes. The face highlights went on real thick for some reason. I often struggle to get the right consistency, often I water it down too much but in this case it wasn't enough.  The highlights on the cloth don't show up enough in the picture, so I wonder if I did the variations enough? The blue gems (?) on his head I just couldn't get right at all.

I need to go back and finish off the gems, sword handle and other bits when I get chance.

That being said, my paint range isn't that great, I really should buy new paints and they are Citadel paints so they are in those crappy pots which dry out the paint lol Bad workman blames his tools right? lol

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